Would you bet on your students’ success?

If you had to bet a million bucks on a student achieving the outcome you’re promising in your online course…

What criteria would you be looking for in that student to make sure you’re not losing your money? 

Chances are your mind went blank right now. 

But before I help you find the answer, let me explain why you should be asking yourself this question in the first place. 

Fact is, your online course can’t generate results for everyone. Pretending it does would be misleading. 

Some people just haven’t reached the right stage in their life yet to benefit from your course.

Admitting them as students can earn you more $$$ in the short-term but can set them up for failure. Worst case, they ask for a refund or give you negative publicity. 

When you draw a clear line on who will benefit most from your program, you’ll cut off some people. But it will also allow you to double down on your ideal students in the long run. 

One exercise to identify who’s the perfect fit for your program is the above mentioned Million Dollar Bet (invented by fellow copywriter Ry Schwartz).

It forces you to consider who you’d bet on if real money was involved.  

Here are the questions to ask yourself about your ideal students:

  • What have they already tried/failed at?
  • What have they already accomplished?
  • What are they currently doing in their day-to-day to demonstrate their commitment to succeeding?
  • What else are they doing that gives you confidence in their ability to succeed?

Weaving the answers into your emails and sales page will increase your chances of attracting the right people who are poised to become successful case studies and raving fans of your course. 

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Picture of Julia Saxena

Julia Saxena

I’m the General Manager at Forte Labs, where I help people build their own “Second Brain” while leading book launches, online courses, a thriving membership, and a growing YouTube channel—all fueled by my passion for marketing, personal growth, and productivity.

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