On sharing your values

Integrity. Respect. Quality. Customer satisfaction. 

These are the words that we read on companies About pages as their values. 

Sounds great. But also terribly generic. 

The words in themselves don’t have meaning. From reading these words alone, employees won’t be inspired to behave the right way, and customers won’t feel inspired to do business with the company.

Values should be actionable. Something you live by. That guide your decisions every day. 

They have to be visible to your coworkers, employees, partner, and customers. 

And when people know about and see your values, great stuff happens.  

You become much more than “a business.” You’re now relatable and trustworthy. 

People know what you’re all about and can buy into what you’re doing. 

So, without further ado, I’m sharing my values with you today. 

What are YOUR values? I’d love to hear about them.

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Picture of Julia Saxena

Julia Saxena

I help course creators pack their cohorts with their ideal students and deliver a transformational learning experience. Follow me on Twitter for daily essays about all things copywriting, online courses, and productivity.

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