Memes & what it’s like to work with a great copywriter

Hi friends,

On Sunday, I led my first Zoom session as an alumni mentor for Building a Second Brain.

I was pretty nervous, I can tell you. What if I didn’t know the answer to their questions? What if they didn’t find anything that I had to share useful? What if my internet crashed?

None of this happened, luckily! It was a great session with 35 curious minds willing to learn.

To spice things up, I included some memes in my presentation. I can recommend it. It’s a great way to get your points across.

Here’s wise Yoda for you:

My Latest Article

What it’s like to work with a great copywriter – and why it’s worth it

Having a copywriter at your side is your secret weapon in business. But, many entrepreneurs don’t see this potential. They still believe writing copy simply means putting some fancy-sounding words on a page. Copywriters do so much more than that!

In this article, I show you five things great copywriters do to help you reach and convert your dream customers.

Your Actionable Copywriting Tip 

Write conversationally – the lazy way

What happens when you do not use contractions? One thing you will notice is that the writing feels more formal. Almost like a robot is talking.

But when two words are fused together, they’re so much easier to read. A few apostrophes … that’s all it takes. Contractions are truly the lazy way to sound more conversational in your writing.

Tool of the Week: Loom

After my mentor session, one of the students reached out to me with a question about my setup in the Todoist app. It took me just 2 minutes to record my screen with Loom showing him how I do it and then share the video with the whole group. It’s genius, really. Writing this down would have taken way longer and it wouldn’t have been this clear.

Quote of the Week

“Your mind is for having ideas, not holding them.

David Allen

That’s where a second brain comes in handy 😉

Thanks for reading! Thoughts or feedback? I’d love to hear from you!

Stay awesome,


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Picture of Julia Saxena

Julia Saxena

I’m the General Manager at Forte Labs, where I help people build their own “Second Brain” while leading book launches, online courses, a thriving membership, and a growing YouTube channel—all fueled by my passion for marketing, personal growth, and productivity.

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