Procrastishaming & brand strategy

Hi friends,

This week marks 12 weeks of publishing one blog post per week (YAY). But it almost didn’t happen.

I finished the article last minute after procrastinating on it for days.

I knew it was bad when procrastinating had turned into procrastishaming. Feeling guilty about putting other (also important) work first.

But there’ll always be something else to do. I remembered that writing my blog post means adding to my portfolio, which means giving people another chance to get to know me and what I do, which means building my brand.

Which leads us to… (neat segue)…

My Latest Article

Why care about branding and how to get started – 6 essential elements of a brand strategy

When you think “brand,” you’re probably glancing at the Starbucks cup in your hand or looking down at your Nike shoes. Big businesses have brands. But, you’re a brand, too! Seriously. Even if only your mom, dad, and best friend know about your business, you’re a brand.

Branding is how your audience perceives you (no matter how small this audience is). They define what your brand is … if you want it or not. So, by proactively working on your brand, you determine how you’re perceived. But this is where it gets tricky.

Your Actionable Copywriting Tip 

The easiest copywriting framework

Everyone can write copy, really. It’s less about finding suave words and more about following the right structure – the sequence in which the messages should appear to get the readers to do what you want them to do. Here’s a simple structure that anyone can follow, called PASO.

Problem: Describe the pain your reader is feeling. That shows that you “get it.”

Agitation: Pour some salt into the wound and lay out what happens if the problem doesn’t get solved.

Solution: Show how you’re going to make their life better.

Outcome: Bring the benefits they’re receiving to life in tangible terms.

Tool of the Week: Window Swap

If you miss traveling but are tired of seeing another Instagram picture of Bali with way too many filters, then try this. It opens a real window somewhere in the world… as in you get to see the actual view from someone’s house or apartment. I got Rivne, Ukraine. Which place did you see?

Quote of the Week

“Let the first impulse pass. Wait for the second.”

Baltasar Gracián

Thanks for reading! Thoughts or feedback? I’d love to hear from you!

Virtual hugs,


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Picture of Julia Saxena

Julia Saxena

I’m the General Manager at Forte Labs, where I help people build their own “Second Brain” while leading book launches, online courses, a thriving membership, and a growing YouTube channel—all fueled by my passion for marketing, personal growth, and productivity.

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